Guide To Insulation Incentives Under The Inflation Reduction Act
Understanding Financial Incentives for Energy-Efficient Insulation Upgrades

Overview Of The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Impact on Homeowners: The IRA, passed in August 2022, allocates funds to rebate programs and funding mechanisms supporting efficiency improvements in homes, increasing ROI opportunities for energy-efficient upgrades.
Key Incentives For Insulation
Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit: Homeowners can claim a 30% tax credit for energy-saving installations like insulation, with a new annual limit of $1,200 starting in 2023, enhancing the previous $500 lifetime limit.
The HOMES Rebate Program: This program offers cashback for reducing household energy use through improvements like insulation, determined by an energy audit and projected savings.
High-Efficiency Electric Home Rebate Program: Provides rebates up to $1,600 for energy-efficient renovations and appliances for eligible households.

Eligibility And Application
Qualifying for Incentives: Tax credits are available from 2023, with different programs having varied timelines. Homeowners are advised to consult their State Energy Office for specific information regarding state-level incentives.
Environmental Impact And State Rebates
IRA’s Environmental Goals: The Act aims to reduce pollution by 40% by 2023, using rebates and tax credits to motivate energy-efficiency improvements in residential and commercial sectors.
State-Level Rebates: State-specific rebate programs can also provide additional financial support for insulation and energy efficiency projects, accessible through resources like the ENERGY STAR Rebate Finder.

Level Up's Support
Level Up can help homeowners navigate these incentives, ensuring they maximize the financial benefits of upgrading to energy-efficient insulation.