Level Up's Essential Guide To Insulation And Airflow
Maximizing Your Home’s Health and Efficiency with Proper Insulation and Airflow Management

The Role Of Insulation In Airflow
Heat Transfer vs. Airflow: Insulation is designed to slow down heat transfer, not to block airflow. Proper insulation and airflow are vital for maintaining the health of your space. Improper airflow can lead to several issues, including health impacts, mold growth, pollutant spread, and energy loss.
Understanding Controlled And Uncontrolled Airflow
Controlled Airflow: Managed through mechanical devices, controlled airflow ensures efficient ventilation, bringing in the right amount of outside air and maintaining indoor air quality.
Uncontrolled Airflow: Also known as “leaky” building syndrome, uncontrolled airflow occurs randomly, stressing HVAC systems and impacting energy efficiency.

Infiltration And The Stack Effect
Convection and Air Movement: Hot air rises, creating high pressure at the top of a building. This leads to warm air escaping and being replaced by cooler outside air – a process known as the stack effect.
Moisture Concerns: Water vapor moves with air, and its condensation can damage building materials. Understanding the movement of water vapor is crucial to prevent moisture-related issues.

Pros And Cons Of Different Insulation Materials
Material-Specific Issues: Different insulation materials have unique responses to moisture. Cellulose can lose fire and pest resistance, while fiberglass might harbor mold or mildew.
Expert Recommendations: At Level Up, we understand the importance of selecting the right insulation material and water vapor barrier for specific building uses and climates.